The "Ready For Anything" Diaper Bag

Waaahooo, you're pregnant! Yayyy!

I think if I knew God planned for me to just be a work at home mom for the rest of my life, I would pop out kids like the Duggars. Okay, well maybe not that many. But the truth is I just adore babies. I love every sweet little wrinkly inch of them. Especially newborns. They're so cute and squishy and sleepy and cute.

I mean come on! Look at this kid!

Now that I have baby fever, let's turn this back to you. Waaahooo, your uterus is currently the one expanding. And this means you will be in the market for a diaper bag.

Whether this is your first kid or your sixth kid, you will probably want and need a new one. So here are a few tips from this handbag expert on how to choose the right one, and what goodies to put inside of it.

Your diaper bag needs to be functional.

Functional, meaning, the bag fits your exact needs. Those needs will differ slightly from mom to mom. Breastfeeding moms are not going to have to carry a ton of bottles, but you will need room for extra diapers, wipes, change of clothes, receiving blankets, and your changing pad, at the very minimum. So we aren't talking about a small bag here. And you will definitely want lots of pockets!! Formula mamas, you'll need to toss in a bottle or two plus some formula to go. You can put it one of these nifty little formula dispensers so you aren't carrying around an entire canister of your kid's powder.

Your diaper bag should be fashionable.

Choosing a diaper bag that is neutral will help it coordinate with many different outfits. I wear a lot of blacks, greys, and denim, and accessorize with colors, almost all year long. So for me, a black diaper bag went with pretty much everything. If this isn't a priority for you, then that makes it even easier. However, you're going to want to hang onto this diaper bag through out your little one's entire first year-so you'll need something that can make the transition through the seasons. It might be Fall now-but how are you going to feel about that bag next Spring? A timeless look like this one will keep you interested well into your babe's walking days.
The Zip Top Organizing Utility Tote & Littles Carry All Caddy in Black Links
Your diaper bag must be clean-able. 

With my first born, I went out and bought a beautiful, expensive, but beautiful leather diaper bag. I was convinced that leather would be the only quality that would last me the entire length of time I planned on using it. Unfortunately, I ended up spilling one of my son's medications in it when he was about 6 months old, and it stained the seams and inside of it bright red. Want to know a fun fact about leather? You can't get it wet. I couldn't wash it. Although the bag looked okay from the outside, it was sticky on the inside and it smelled absolutely horrid. I was so upset I wanted to switch to a plastic bag for a bit! And then I thought, how awesome would it be to be able to toss your baby's diaper bag in the wash every once in a while?! Well, with this bag, you can! When I discovered that this product, which is made out of a laminated nylon, was so easy to clean, it was a dead ringer that this was the perfect diaper bag.

Your diaper bag must be economical. 

When it comes to dollars and cents, the first year can be expensive. Believe me when I tell you that between doctor visits and paying your hospital bills, plus setting up a nursery with everything you need for a baby, you will be spending enough money in one year-on one person! So spare yourself a little in this department, and get something that is economical. I'm not at all saying to compromise on quality-you definitely want to get something that will last, too. But that doesn't mean it has to break the bank. You can get this bag for just $35. And believe me when I tell you that it will last you for quite a while! I have been using Thirty-One's utility products for almost 4 years now, and most of my bags still look like day one!

Your bag must be yours.

One thing that I love about bags from Thirty-One is the ability you have to make them your own. Not only can the outside of the bag be personalized, you can also add so many things to it to make it yours. One of my personal favorites is the large zipper pouch. I keep this inside my bag along with a mini zipper pouch for organizing! We have an LZP  in black chevron with "diapers & wipes" embroidered on the outside. This is nice because when my husband and I are splitting up for the day and he takes the baby, he can just grab my LZP and head out the door, and he doesn't feel like he has to carry my entire purse with him. It's also great when we drop little man off at church, I have another one with his name on it (just like the one below) and there's never a question as to which bag belongs to our little guy!

Well, there you have it, mama! Those are my recommendations for your "Ready for Anything" diaper bag!

And congrats to any expecting mama's out there! What are some of your must have diaper bag items?!

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